Signs You’re Brushing Your Teeth in incorrect way, and 4 Ways You Can Fix It

Signs You're Brushing Your Teeth in incorrect way

Most of people brush their teeth too hard and in incorrect way which is unhealthy. For example they believe that in order to take off plaque from their teeth, they should brush really hard. But in fact this is far from the truth, because plaque is so soft, unlike what some people think. And you could get rid of it with a piece of cloth.

The reason why we use a toothbrush is simply because a cloth can not reach all the angles of your mouth. As a result not tons of pressure you need, but rather, a global brushing everywhere around your mouth.

In this article first we will recognize the problems, and after we will present to you solution to each probelm:


1.Your gums are starting to recede:

Each and every single of our teeth is protected by enamel, which can be hardly damaged by over-brushing. And by harming enamel, our gums may began to recede, exposing the roots of our teeth to big risk. If your teeth reach that point, you might need to add stuffing, root canals, or even extract teeth that are no longer healthy. According to dentists, about 10% -20% of people around the world has destroyed their gums cause of over-brushing.

2.Your teeth are way too sensitive:

Comparable to receding gums, teeth can become sensitive when the enamel is brushed away. It is easly because the roots of your teeth are unprotected and,then their nerves are hit hard. If you discover that it super hard to drink very hot or very cold drinks and bite on hard food, then you need to visit your dentist. You also need to began brushing your teeth in a more calm and soft way.

3.The bristles of your toothbrush look worn out:

Toothbrush abrasion is the most popular cause of dental abrasion, which mean that many people brush their teeth in wrong way. It is either because they brush too hard or they use hard-bristled toothbrushes, and this losses the teeth. So if your toothbrush looks like it needs to be change every few weeks, then that mean you are using it too forcefully. Yes, you need to change it every 3-4 months, but it should still look fully healthy.

4.The teeth near your gums aren’t very bright or shiny:

The cause that teeth are a bit darker under your gums is that they are not protected by any enamel. That’s why when your gums began receding, the teeth showing from underneath are more yellow or darker in color. Without having enamel to save them, they are uncovered to all kinds of germs and bacteria. Thus, the problem goes even deeper, compromising the full health of your teeth.


1.Use a toothbrush with soft bristles:

It is not only the speed you are brushing with, but also the kind and quality of the toothbrush that hurt your teeth. Opting for soft bristles is the first move, then you have to reconsider your method of brushing. You should keep your toothbrush at a 45- degree corner and began brushing softly back and forth. You can try holding it with your non-dominant hand so the pressure you apply is reduced.

2.Use an electric toothbrush:

One amazing merit of many toothbrushes is that they report you when you apply too much pressure. The light on it will replace from green to red, and it will began making a different noise, like an alert. So you need to make sure that while you brush, the light stay green, letting you know to apply the correct amount of pressure. But not all electric toothbrushes have this sensor, which means that you will have to check the box first.

3.Hold your toothbrush with only 3 fingers:

Holding your toothbrush like a pen gonna help you apply the required pressure to your teeth. Because you can facilely control the force you are putting on your hand. Unlike, when you hold your toothbrush with your fist, you can facilely lose track of your force and overbrush. It is not the pressure which clean your teeth, the bristles have to be able to get in between all the teeth, and get rid of plaque and other bacteria.

4.Make sure your toothpaste is low-abrasive:

Our toothpaste should be abrasive enough, in order to do its job and cleans our teeth as it should. However, high abrasive toothpaste does more than that and removes the enamel from our teeth. Instead of reading labels and looking for to see how abrasive the ingredients are, there is another smart trick you can use.

Facilely take a piece of foil and rub a small amount of your toothpaste on it. Then wash it with plenty of water and see if there are any scratches left on the foil. The number of scratches will mark just how abrasive the toothpaste is.

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